phpMyAdmin with auto-login on Ubuntu 12.04 (Vagrant VM + Puppet)

Using Vagrant VMs for Drupal development is quite useful and offers many advantages. Since a very common tool for doing dev tasks is phpMyAdmin, it's a good idea to set it up with auto-login when provisioning the dev VM. Since I didn't find this explicitly done anywhere on the net, I worked a bit on getting it done and found a method that should be relatively easy to implement.

Update: This is part of my Vagrant powered Drupal dev VM.

First of all, remember: this is intended to be used exclusively on a private dev environment. Do this under your sole responsibility.

This is the code:

  # This assumes php5 and mysql-server are installed somewhere else in the puppet manifests.
  package { phpmyadmin:
    ensure => installed,
    require => Package['php5', 'mysql-server']

  # Enable access via /phpmyadmin
  # This assumes apache is installed somewhere else in the Puppet manifests
  file { '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin':
    ensure  => 'present',
    content => 'include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf',
    mode    =>  644,
    require => [

  # Remove config if it does not include auto-login options
  exec { 'remove-non-autologin-config':
    command => 'sudo rm /etc/phpmyadmin/',
    unless => 'grep "Enable auto-login" /etc/phpmyadmin/',
    path => ['/bin/', '/usr/bin/'],
    notify => Exec['download-autologin-config'],

  # Download gist including auto-login config options. root/root are the assumed credentials
  # This assumes wget is installed somewhere else in the Puppet manifests
  exec { 'download-autologin-config':
    command => 'sudo wget -O /etc/phpmyadmin/',
    require => [Package['wget'], Exec['remove-non-autologin-config']],
    creates => '/etc/phpmyadmin/',
    path => ['/bin/', '/usr/bin/'],

Once the provisioning is done, phpMyAdmin should be accessible at domain/phpmyadmin and it should not prompt for credentials. An extra helper can be creating a bookmark in the form domain/phpmyadmin/index.php?db=db_name, where domain and db_name must be replaced with the corresponding values for the given use case.

Notice the gist with the modified file includes the version it works with; if the config file for phpMyAdmin changes, it's just a matter of re-creating the auto-login config from the default file, uploading it to a new file in the gist and then updating the Puppet manifest accordingly.

As a final note, please keep in mind I do not pretend to be a Puppet expert; the provided code is shared only in the hope it would be of help for a developer wanting to get auto-login easily and consistently on the dev environment.